Sunday, October 18, 2009

Win a $250 Shopping Spree at The Scrapping Cottage!

How would you like to win a $250 shopping spree at the Scrapping Cottage? That's right - the winner will get to choose $250 worth of products at The Scrapping Cottage!

Our goal is to reach 500 followers of the Cottage Blog and we need your help.

It's pretty simple. Here is what you need to do:

1) Become a follower of the CottageBLOG. (If you are already a follower you met the first step).

2) Post a link to this contest on your blog. If you don't have a blog you can start one at

3. Leave a comment on your favorite CottageCutz die with a link to your blog using Mr. Linky so we may visit you.

We will use to select the winner as soon as we reach 500 followers.

Remember, Mr. Linky is there to help you!


1 – 200 of 271   Newer›   Newest»
Pamk said...

love the treehouse cottage cuts die. I already followed you via google reader but switched to following via blogger.

Nilda Rockenbach said...

good luck to everyone who enters..Awesome contest.

Sheila said...

Wow!! what a great contest...hope you reach 500 followers soon!

BlueRose said...

I love the Bird & Birdhouse so cute, What a contest thanks so much for the offer! ♥

AndreaA said...

I became a follower....
I love the little bear on the first page. He is adorable.
Thanks for a great chance to win some very nice dies.

Stacy said...

What a wonderful contest!!

I Love the treehouse!!

Ksenia said...

love CottageCutz Tree w/Hearts & Leaves...i follow...and i made a post in my blog

Gunn (MsPlum) said...

I love the Cottage Cutz bee shape. Soo cute!

Have posted my link with Mr.Linky and become a follower.
Good luck to 500!


DeeDee said...

wow I love your blog and so very glad I found it...I guess I will now be 1 off the 50...Yay!

DeeDee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeeDee said...

I love the birthday card at this link.

I was scanning blogs today looking for inspiration and I just found it thanks so much

A Consuming Passion said...

Hi - I love the Happy hour dies part of your Tropical set. Oooh we're coming into summer so cocktails by the pool ---- mmm can't wait!

Ankhs said...

I absolutely LOVE the CottageCutz Hibiscus, Large Shape... one of my favorite flowers :)

Denise said...

I'm supposed to chose juse ONE to comment on? I can't! I love all of them! I really like the Halloween dies, tghe pumpkins, cats, the frame and then cats are awesome! I'm a new follower, and will post this on my blog as well. Thanks!

jo-in-oz said...

What a great contest. I'm loving the Halloween range especially the creepy tree. Good Luck with reaching 500. Jo x

Karen Brooks said...

Thanks for a chance to win a fab shopping spree! I am really digging the following dies right now – it is too hard to narrow down………..LOL: Holiday Moose; The entire July 2009 release; and I’ll limit myself with only 3 “links” by saying this treehouse is awesome!.

DonnaMundinger said...

What a fabulous prize! Of course I'm now a follower and linked a post as well as posted to my sidebar. I love Cottage Cutz dies and to pick a fave is really hard. I guess I have to choose the bird and birdhouse. It's just so "tweet"! xxD

Taffy said...

What a generous prize! there's so many to cute CottageCutz to choose from.. LOL although, i think my faves are the withches (the witch legs, and both withces..) Posted on my blog and good luck to all..

Linda said...

WOW what a fabulous prize!!! I really like the treehouse. :)
I am a follower and have posted about your give away on my blog.

Tracy said...

Fab prize, i never win these things, but i guess you're gotta be in it to win it eh?
My favorite die is the Bird & Birdhouse Shape.
Hugs T x

ellepaulette said...

What a fun contest! I am now a follower and I posted this on my blog today.

I really like the chicken and eggs. I need to get her for my mom!!

carlz said...

awww what a lovely idea for a contest... i have to say the treehouse ticks all my boxes so sweet! xxx

RAP said...

I like so many of them but I think my favorite is the bird and the bird house.

Bamabel said...

Wonderful contest! Thank you for the opportunity to win. I became a follower and posted my link.

I think my fave die, although I do not have it yet, is the haunted house. I LOVE it!

Thanks again!

scrappin_mom3 said...

oh my goodness, I love these dies so much!! I only have a few of them, but I am dying to get ahold of those halloween ones and the Tiki stuff-- I have my tiki room pictures that I want to scrap with them that I will not be able to do until I get those dies! Thanks for the awesome contest!! Good luck to all!

Lilacanglia said...

I am a follower,
have posted about you on my blog, see the link in my linky,
My favourite die is that super seahorse from the new set down under.
Thanks for the chance,

Yvonne said...

Oh what a fab give away .. does that mean the OH move out to make room :)
I have linked you on my blog page and on my sidebar ..I am also a follower

My , well one of my fave dies, would have to be the Wagon and the Picnic tabe, so different.
thank you so much for the chance to win x

jcscraphappy said...

OMG choose one no way LOL i looooooooooove way too many, but since we are approaching fall i choose the candy apple and ghost with legs. but really truly love them all the sea creatures are too cute.
what a great blog, was already a follower, wonderful giveaway thank you and blessings

Anonymous said...

I love the treehouse that is on your store page!

Jacilynn said...

I love the wagon. So super cute. Great giveaway!

Kim. said...

Wow love the new halloween dies, I had already been admiring your dies before I saw this but have now become a follower and placed a link on my sidebar to yourselves.
Kim xXx

Stef H said...

wow! this is some give-away! count me in. i love die cuts - and most ofmine are spellbinders and it's hard to pick a favorite. i'm a crafter - i LIKE IT ALL!!!


terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

My favorite cut would be the ice cream cones! The treehouse is really nice too. Would love to win! What a prize!

Anonymous said...

Great contest!! Thanks so much!! I think my 2 favorite dies (I couldn't pick just one!) are the bird and birdhouse and the 3 chicks!

Leanne said...

OMG!! I love all your dies!! The bear, birdie,tree,and I could go on and on!! I am now a follower! Thanks for this awesome candy it's going to make someone REALLY happy!!!

Happy Stamper said...

I am now a follower and I made a post with a link on my blog.

Picking a favourite die cut wasn't easy. I especially like all the dies with flowers, but I would have to say my favourite is the hibiscus.

Best of luck reaching 500 followers. I'm sure it won't be hard to do given the wonderful incentive you are offering!

Shelley, Jadian, Ocieanna and Kadyn said...

Love the Ice Cream Treats die. They are Oh So Yummy!!!

Shelley, Jadian, Ocieanna and Kadyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tanya said...

250 - I want to be a winner!
Thanks for the chance to win.... I love the Hearts & Leaves Shape...
Thanks and hugs...

Suzy said...

This can you call a great candy :)
They are so many beatifull things at Scraping cotage. I don't know what i prefer.

Christine said...

I was at your blog/store several months ago from Cuttlebug spot and then totaly forgot to come back. I'm glad I found you again and I will be bach (in Arnold voice).


Juut said...

I really love the Potted Sunflower shape. It's so nice and great to use in many different projects.

Thanks for the chance to win this great prize!


♥ Sonja Bekker ♥ said...

Yust Adoreble,
What a great contest. I'm loving the Halloween range especially the creepy tree. Good Luck with reaching 500 followers.

I made a link on my sidebar.
good luck for al.
thank for giving me a chance.
lots of love

Aladori said...

Link on the sidebar in my blog :)

Kerrie said...

Oh all the dies are gorgeous, just wish I could afford to have them all.... one day! But if I had to choose one, it would have to be the dolphin, as I love flapping in the water in summer!

Sandy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandy said...

OMGosh...first time to pick a fav...i'm lovin that happy to have found you...i'll be back...good luck with the 500...i'll link you on my sidebar!

Lisa said...

OMG to pick my fav that is too hard, I really like the Halloween die cuts, Thanks for the chance to win I am now a happy follower and I made a post about your giveaway too

MindyB said...

What an amazing contest. Good luck reaching 500 people. What a neat site. Thanks for the chance to win!

Sunshine said...

OMGosh! How can I choose?! Ok...if I HAVE to choose the Treehouse Cottage Cuts would be a fave! :) I have posted a post on my blog:



JayLynn said...

Hum, my favorite is the Ice Cream cones. I love sweets :) Awesome prize!! So exciting.

Sue McMahon said...

WOW! What a giveaway! My favorite is the Bear! Too cute! Thanks for the chance to win!

McMahon Five Designs

HazelQ said...

Wow what a candy, thank you for the chance to win. I like the animal cottage cuts die, specially the dog and the pinguin.

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

I love the bee, giraffe, pig, raccoon...I basically love all the animals!! The treehouse one is really cute too!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Katie Dufour said...

Too many favorites to pick from, but I am going to go with one of the new Halloween dies - the ghost with legs. It is just too cute!!!

Moni said...

Waw I want to win this fab prize, i became your follower and linekd oyu on my blog! Hugs,moni

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

Thanks for the chance at the AWESOME SHOPPING SPREE!!!! I'm a follower and have linked your fabulous prize on my sidebar. My favorite CottageCutz die is the Holiday Moose (too cute!).

Good luck on reaching 500 followers!


Vicki said...

My favorite is that cute little ghost with legs... all of them are super cute! Thanks for such an awesome give-away... good luck everyone! Vicki

Linda . J said...

Fantastic contest and I love the Bird and Birdhouse cuts die.
Thanks for this chance to enter your contest.
Hugs Linda

Laney said...

My fav has got to be the Holiday Moose!!! He's so cute!!
I have linked your $250 shopping Spree on my blog and I'm also following!!
thanks for the chance to win

Lisa K said...

I love the treehouse!!! Too cute !! I am now a follower too!!

BAHGL said...

What a great contest! I love the surfboard die because all my boys surf!

Best of luck to the 500!

Lynne in NI said...

Great contest - I love all the halloween dies

Scrapprincesse said...

thank you for this cottagecutz. It's so generous!

HappyCrafter said...

ooh what fun and a challenge, hmm, favorite cottagecutz die.... I would have to say I like the Hibiscus best for it's versatility.

Sherri said...

I gotta say that I don't many dies so......anything would be good!

Unknown said...

Wow! I've never seen your site before. It is awesome. I couldn't possible pick one die as I want them all.

Unknown said...

Really cute dies. I loved the CottageCutz Cupcake Tier Shape- but also thought the Haunted house and the Surf Shack were really cute! Thanks for offering such a great contest! I would not have a hard time spending the money!!! Gini

Julie.G said...

Hi, I became a follower, Love the animal dies....Posted your blog candy on my side bar.
Thanks so much...what a great contest....

Carla D said...

I like the Giraffe :o)

Hugs, Carla

Ellen said...

I followed. Thanks for the contest.

Татьяна Шаргородская said...

Hello! I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy".
And I'm your Follower!
I like this bird:
Thanks for a chance to win!


Debra said...

Hi, thanks for the Contest. I love the Halloween Bundle! I am following and have a link! Good luck reaching your goal.

Nataša said...

What a great contest! Thank you for the chance to win.
I've became your follower and put your link in my sidebar.
I hope you reach 500 and more followers soon.
I love the Tropical frame and the Bird & the Birdhouse.

Amber said...

WOWSERS! This is Fantastic. Thank you for this great prize. I have to say I totally love the Tree house. I am also loving the Haunted house that is on my list to buy very soon...

Thank you for all you hard work and dedication to us scrapbookers and the like...

Amber S

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

love the ice cream. Thanks for the opportunity.

Unknown said...

there are too many to pick from so I like them all. this is a great blogspot and thanks for all the inspiration.

Anonymous said...

love the cup of java w/hearts!! I am a coffee freak so this is one I would use alot!!! Good luck everyone!!!

Crafty Grannie Annie said...

I love the bear, but all are very nice. Thank you for the chance to win such a wonderful prize. Anna

lhughes said...

Wow I love contests and my favorite dies are the Treehouse Cottage cuts. I follow via google

Tink said...

I LOVE the Haunted House die!
I am following and have posted on my blog ..

Unknown said...

I like this contest1 Wish you the best!
Pozdrav iz Srbije od Radice

Bearylish said...

The haunted house die is so cute! gotta love Halloween. We always go all out and decorate our yard to look spooky :)

Lisa said...

I love the tree with the hearts, that's soooo cute!!

Omi said...

I love summer sunflowers card from this post:

i posted your candy here:

thank for a chance! wish you to reach 500 followers soon! ))

Celine said...

I love the cottage cats die. Too cute, although there are also lots other I like as well.

I'm now a follower and here is a link to this contest on my blog

Kelly B Rutherford said...

WOW!! What an awesome contest!! Some scrapper is going to be so lucky!!

Katarina said...

There is sooo much to choose from. I love the anchor shape. I like dies that you can use for many occasions and I think this one is versatile.
All the animals are so adorable (love the nostrils on Sammy seahorse)and I love the style of the drinks, cupcakes and flowers. Did I mention it was hard to choose? LOL
Ok, so my official fav is the owl...I think ;)
Thanks for the chance on this awesome candy. I'd love to pick and choose from your shop.

Anonymous said...

My favorite? Oh, now that's a toughie. Hmmmm.... I am quite fond of the Bird & Birdhouse, although I also love the Tree with Hearts. I have a nice collection of Cottage Cutz and its just too hard too pick a favorite. I have some Halloween ones on pre-order and CAN'T wait to get my hands on those! I am now following and have posted a link on blog. Thanks for the awesome opportunity!

Raquel said...

I like the Blossom Tree Shape!!! Ive become a follower and Ive made added a link on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win!!


Michelle said...

Hope you reach 500 followers soon! I loved looking at all of your dies and had a hard time picking my fave - but I would have to say the treehouse.

JillRv said...

jill arave: my favorite is the haunted house fun is that

GiuliaG. said...

I just love Cottage Cuts. The Window with the Canopy has to be my favorite. But I love all of them...thanks for the contest. I hope you reach the 500 quota. Come visit me at

Aga Starmachine said...

I hope you will reach 500 foloowers
I love the treehouse cottage cuts die

Dream of Scrappin' said...

What a wonderful contest you are hosting! My favorite is the little ghost with legs! He is just too cute!


Do What You Love said...

I love the station wagon die cut. It reminds of the car we had when I was a child! Wow - what a great die cut.

Scrappymax said...

What a great contest, hope you reach your target. I think my favourite has to be your adorable owl die.

Deeanna said...

I like the scarecrow..Thanks for the contest..

Janet said...

I'm a follower & I've mentioned your giveaway here on my blog. I, of course, had to check out ALL of the dies before I could make a choice, but the geckos are definitely my favorite. I've never seen anything similar anywhere else & they are just plain cute!

Katie said...

You want me to pick just one? I don't think it's that simple. I love them all. If I have to choose, I would say the Halloween ones are my favorite. I'm a sucker for anything Halloween. lol

Heather said...

All of those dies are adorable, but I guess my favorite would be the palm trees...probably because I'm currently working on books about our recent cruise. :)

jan farnworth said...

halloween dies tend to be my favorite cause they are so interesting and fun to use.

Mary said...

love the creepy tree and the treehouse cottage cuts. I am a new follower. Thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy!!!

namo said...

I like the treehouse.
What a fabulous prize.Thanks to chance.

Tami Putvin said...

WOW what an amazing give away.. Good luck everyone. I have to say I love the owl and reindeer from the Oct. 08 release.. They are just tooo adorable..

Wishing you abundant blessings,


scrapwantabee said...

wonderful creations

Louise Bell Fairbairn said...

Love It!!

Please visit my blog, and view your blog post

Unknown said...

Wow, a $250 shopping spree at my fave online store! I am in!

Andreja - kokos said...

Great candy!!
I linked your candy on my blog (sidebar) with a picture and I become your follower.
The most beautiful CottageCutz die is CottageCutz Tree w/ Hearts & Leaves Shape (4" x 4").
Thanks for the chance to win this candy!
Hugs, Andreja

Louise Bell Fairbairn said...

Sorry about the link and thank you for letting me know.
I've added it to my blog, and you can find it


Thank you

Rachael said...

I love the Hibiscus Cottage Cutz die! Good luck reaching your goal of 500 followers! :) I became a follower just a moment ago.

Carol said...

WOW ... what a fabulous contest ... favorite cottage cutz die is the Hibiscus ... I can see a lot of uses for this one.

Charlene said...

I love the June release! I added your contest to my blog too :)

Alyusha said...

I posted a link in my blog
and i follow)))
I love the Hearts & Leaves Shape

Dragonlady said...

Wow what a fantastic chance. I am following avidly!!
How can I pick a favourite they are all fantastic. Well, The Haunted House and the cats.

Ali x

Alison (Groovycrafter) said...

Wowwwwwwwwwww what fab dies!!!!!
I love them all....but i do adore the creepy tree he is fab.
I am now a follower and have put up a link.
Hugs Alison.xx

Carol said...

The froggy gut melts my heart. This is so fun.

Cara said...

What a great prize! My favorite die is Surf Shack!

Penny said...

Hiya! I've posted a link in my sidebar and linked with mr linky. I'm also your newest follower :)

I really like the frog.. I think that is totally adorable :)

The Baking Team said...

Thanks a bunch for doing this contest! I really love your site by the way and I'd love to buy everything if I win!! My favourite CottageCutz die is the Cupcake tier, it's super cute.

Gosia said...

I became a follower....
Thanks for a chance to win some very nice dies.
Hugs from Poland

Sharron aka Sharrahug said...

Wonderful contest. Hope you reach your goal.
My favorite Cottage Cutz die is the Tree with hearts. Very cute.
Thanks a bunch!
Huggies ~

Unknown said...

What a wonderful contest! Good luck to everyone!

Wendy K. said...

I'm a follower and set up a link on my blog. The Wheelbarrow of Flowers is among my favorites!
Wendy K.
My Scrapbooking Blog

Ode said...

This can you call a great candy :)
They are so many beatifull things at Scraping cotage. Thanks for the chance to participate

Christina said...

Great contest! I love all of your CottageCutz dies, but my favourite is the Ice Cream Treats Shapes.
I hope you reach your 500 followers really soon!

Colleen Kramer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Colleen Kramer said...

Ooops tried to leave a comment and somehow deleted it before I could fix it. I love the Halloween creepy tree. Thanks for the great contest.

Lin said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win such a fantastic spree.

I think all the dies are cute but my favourite is definitely that gorgeous little Owl. His little face is so sweet.


Jen said...

Love the bear shape cottage cutz die. he is so adorable.

tlcmom said...

I really like your owl die cut. Thanks for a chance at an amazing giveaway. I am now a follower!

Jen P said...

I love the Cottagecutz dog - so cute!! I can't wait for there to be 500 followers! :) Thanks for a chance to win awesome blog candy!!!

Joanne said...

Such a great generous offer, THANX. I've posted a link on my blog for your site, it's great! My fav set is the Tropical one of course! Aloha...

Krissynae said...

I think my favorite would be the Halloween collection. I love Halloween. If I was to pick just one die it would be the Chrismas Moose.

Anonymous said...

I like the Halloween dies. My favorite now is that Haunted House.

Iris said...

I am a new follower and as soon as I finish this comment I am heading over to my blog to post a link to you. The Halloween dies are my favorites. Just in case Mr. Linky isn't working right(I got a message about a cache issue), my blog is:
Thanks for the chance to win. Iris Soscia

Michele said...

I am having a tough time deciding if I like the hummingbirds or the witch legs better!!! lol, those are great!

I could go crazy at your store!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a GREAT store, love everything but I guess my fave is the "cupcake tier"

Michelle's Daydreams said...

Wow! My friend Denise just sent me over here and I'm amazed at all the fun die-cuts you have! I really love the whole line of beachy die-cuts, especially the tiki bar, surf boards and the Woody with the boards on the top! I posted a link to your blog on my right sidebar and am a new follower too! Thanks for the chance to win!! Wish me luck! :) Hugs! Michelle

Jenny said...

This is a great contest!! I have become a follower and posted a link in my blog's sidebar, here. Just doing a quick glance through your store, I'd say that any Flourishes or Flowers are my fav! Thanks for the great opportunity!!


Lysa said...

Great contest, I love the cottage cuts dies. The new halloween dies are fabulous!

Ashley Newell said...

here's my fav

shortyrose said...

I love the treehouse!

Thanks for the chance to win this great candy!

Greetings from Germany

ScrapHappyGal said...

I have several of these CottageCutz dies and I find it hard to pick just one favorite. I guess I would have to pick the Treehouse or Giraffe. They are all very detailed & fun dies....

Susan ~ Killam Creative said...

Wow - very cool shop and candy! I'm just getting into die cuts and I'm in heaven here.

I'm now a follower and posted a link on my sidebar.

My favorite Cottagecutz is the Feb tree with hearts - it's adorable!


Sandi said...

wow, and good luck, thanks for such a wonderful opportunity. Sandi

Gail said...

I tried to put the link on my blog.

Carol<>< said...

this is awesome,,, thank you and
good luck to all! Carol<><

~ŠǿƒŧβŖñ™~ said...

Thanks for the opportunity!.. Love your blog.. Awesome stuff going on!

Fresh Start Academy said...

thanks for the awesome giveaway
good luck everyone

Unknown said...

Thanks for the amazing giveaway. I would love to win this. Hope you reached your goal added myself as a follower today... GOOD LUCK EVERYONE. I love the dies here....

The Crafting Pot said...

While there are a LOT of great ones, the one that tugs at my heartstrings is the Cottage Cuts Owl.... my grandmother loved owls and it reminds me of some of the vintage jewelry and string art pieces she had. So that gets it the mark of my favorite. :)

Unknown said...

I posted about this great giveaway in my blog, great prize!
Hope you reach your goal soon!!!

Misty Roberts said...

I really like the CottageCutz Bird & Birdhouse. Very nice!

Nikki said...

Love all the halloween stuff
it's soo Great :)

Nikki said...

Love all the halloween stuff
it's soo Great :)

♥ Sonja Bekker ♥ said...

Owwww forget to put my fave to your blog
It’s CottageCutz Owl Shape
i just Adore this one.
Luck for everyone

xx Sonja

luizepootje said...

What a lovely blog candy! there's enough I would like to chose, so...
My favourite though is the hibiscus flower twin set. But I do love the owl too, and the wicked gecko....

Nikki said...

Thanks for this amazing Contest
and my fave cottage cut die is Owl Shape he's so Great
I follow and have linked you all up hoping you get all your followers

Raven B said...

I am so excited about this. Wow what an incredible price. Good luck and love to all. I like the hearts and leaves shape the best. :)

Anna Ekman said...

What an amazing prize!
I really love the CottageCutz Tree with Hearts & Leaves Shape. So useful to many projects.

arlsmom aka Lynda said...

I am now a follower! I added your giveaway to my blog sidebar!
I love the new release black cat...totally fabulous!!!

Kazzy73 said...

Wow what a great blog love love love it , i love that tree house cottage cutz die I just need to build my boys a tree house so I can make a LO about it lol
Good luck everyone x x x x x

Kazzy73 said...

opps just left a comment and forgot to leave my blog addy
heres my blog Godd luck x x x x

Lisa said...

Great Contest!! I Love the tree house! Here is a link to my blog.

Julye said...

Have added link in my bog candy links and I would be hard pushed to choose one fav as I like the bear,owl,seal racoons and peek-a-boo. Always did want more than I can have thanks Julye

Unknown said...

I just became a follower! Thanks for the opportunity to win :)

Natalie Z said...

Hello! I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy". My favorite die is the Bird & Birdhouse Shape.
And I'm your Follower!
Thanks for a chance to win!

Gloria Westerman said...

Can't pick only one love them all.

Kelly B Rutherford said...

I have been spreading the word at the forums I visit, hope to see you reach 500 this week!

Janette said...

Thanks for the great contest. Hope you meet your goal soon.

sandra said...

I don't own any cuts (but I would love to have it) so I can't answer you.
This contest is fantastic!
Hope to win it!

Duan Marie Byrd said...

I don't know if I have a favorite. I love the bear, dolphin, and the treehouse cottage is adorable. Thanks so much for a chance to win this shopping spree.

Lynne said...

I like the scarecrow that is coming out!!

MelissaR said...

Love the cottage cuts bear! I love all things bears :) Thanks for the contest!

A Rup Life said...

I just love the Owl die cut from Cottage cuts!! Great contest!! Linked on my blog! :D

scmiller777 said...

I did not know about this product. I will be looking around more to see what is available. From what I have seen they look so cute. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Jerzey Girl said...

I also had no idea about this product until Nilda showed us the blog. I will have to start using this product ASAP. I have posted on my blog. Thanks for the chance to win. I LOVE your work its so pretty.
Lori Danieski

Anonymous said...

I am a follower! I have posted a link using Mr.Linky ahout my blog post and my favorite cottage cuts die.. do I have to choose just one? There are so many wonderful dies.. Ok Ok since Halloween is almost here my favorite is the Witch Legs..
Thanks for the chance.

shopfreak said...

I like nestabilities scalloped paisley...

Sandy said...

I love all your dies. Can't just choose one. Thanx for te opportunity to win!

maiahs_momma said...

My favorite die would have to be the treehouse cottage die. Thanks for this chance to win some goodies :)!
I became a follower, and posted about your giveaway on my blog:

Inky Hugs,

ILONA said...


I have many favorite cottage cruz dies. One is wagon with flowers.


Amber H. said...

I've left a link using Mr., and I've also blogged about your contest and store! I might have misunderstood and left a link to the product I liked first.. but I corrected myself and posted a link via Mr. Linky to my blog!

Anyway, I think my favorite has to be Sammie Seahorse! He's so cute, and being raised in Virginia Beach, VA and now being so far away from home.. it reminds me of the ocean and what I'm missing with the smells and sounds and the feel of the sand between my toes...

Anonymous said...

I love the red barn and the old pickup!!! Awesome contest, and you encouraged me to finally get a blog going. Here it is Thanks again. Hope I have done everything to get into the contest!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the red barn and the old pickup!!! Awesome contest, and you encouraged me to finally get a blog going. Here it is Thanks again. Hope I have done everything to get into the contest!!!

Susanne said...


What an amazing prize!
My favorite die is the CottageCutz Owl Shape.

Hugs, Susanne

Theresa's Studio said...

I am now a follower. I love the Cottage Cutz Bear. Thanks for a chance to win.

Angella D. Crockett said...

This is my first visit here!! Very cute blog!! Thanks for the fun contest!!! However, the "follower" section is missing...:( I will check back later!!

Angella D. Crockett said...

Oh, by the way, I love the scarecrow!!!

Judy said...

What a fabulous prize! My favorite die is Cottage Cutz Bear Shape. Thank for a chance to win!

Mary Lou said...

Hello!! I had just came across this blog and it looks really amazing!!! Signed up to be a follower and linked your shopping spree to my sidebar :D I browsed throught the store and as of right now I do not have a fav CottageCutz die but sure do like alot of them. Sweet contest and thanks.
God Bless Mary Lou

Donna said...

I love the Halloween die cuts. Very cute! Thanks for the chance to win this amazing candy. I am already a follower and I've added a link to my blog at

gram cheryl said...

I love the treehouse as well but the new barn is very tempting. Christmas is coming!!!

Laurinda said...

A am officially a follower with a link to your contest posted on my blog. How could anyone not love the HALLOWEEN dies? They are creepy and cute all at the same time.


Lori said...

Hi, What a great contest. I have posted on my blog and added to Mr. Linkym as well as signed up to follow you. I just learned of you this morning. What a fabulous store you have. Everything in one place. I love all die systems...there are so many to choose from, but my favs are Nestibilities, Cuttlebug, Quickutz and Sizzix! I hope you reach your goal! Hugs Lori Reinholz

Lori said...

Oops! Forgot to add that I love the Truck w/Hay CottageKutz!

Canadian Carole said...

Found your contest on Stamp-N-Ink-Lady's Blog so I dashed right on over! That is quite a contest! Such great stuff! I hope Canadians are eligible!

Debbie said...

Hard choice, but I love the hummingbirds.

What a great prize. Thanks for a chance to win!

Beth aka BR-T said...

Penny showed me the way to your amazing candy! I love the witches legs! Beth

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