
Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Sweet Gingerbread and Cocoa Card

Happy TuesDIE Cottage Cutz Friends!
Melinda here with you on this terrific Tuesday. Today I am sharing a cute Christmas card I created with some dies from the FABULOUS Part2 Christmas release!
Here is my finished card. It is an A4 sized card. It features one of the super adorable Ginger friends. I also included the phrase die, Cookies & Cocoa with those cute chocolate chip cookies and that adorable cup of cocoa. I mounted all of these onto the smaller Square Scalloped eyelet mat. 

Here's a closer look at the gingerbread guy. I cut him out of some gingery brown cardstock. I edged him with some chalk and then added the cute little stitch lines. I colored his ear muffs and scarf with some aqua markers and my spectrum noir glitter pen. The photo doesn't capture the subtle glitter on his scarf and muffs.

Here's a closer look at the adorable cup of cocoa and chocolate chip cookies. You can't see the glitter on the whipped cream on top of the cocoa, but it is there and adds a nice touch.

Here's a closer look at the title Cookies & Cream. As I mentioned, I mounted all the dies onto a piece of pretty patterned paper. All of that I mounted onto the larger scalloped eyelet square. I used some dark brown paper for the mat on that one.

Here is one last look at my card. I think it turned out super cute and they are easy enough that you could make several of them in a variety of color themes.

Don't forget to head over to the CottageCutz YouTube channel and check out all of the amazing projects on there. Our video team is doing a wonderful job of filling the channel with all sorts of creative content! You don't want to miss it!

Here's a look at the entire release. Be sure to head over and grab them while they last!

Well that about covers it for today! Until the next time, have a wonderfully craft-die day!
Melinda Beltran


  1. This is so cute Melinda - love this new die and you created a perfect layout to show it off

  2. Super CUTE! I just love this color combo so much, and those lacey frames add the perfect touch but still allows the Gingerbread and cocoa to be the star of the show ♥
