
Friday, June 11, 2010

Milkshake anyone?

My daughter welcomed home a good friend home from college while another friend was about to depart on a two year mission for our church so they got together at a local restaurant and had some silly fun. I decided to do a layout to document this event and knew when I saw these pictures that the CottageCutz Parfait w/Strawberries was the die for this layout.

As our design team has mentioned many, many times these dies are so versatile with so many options within just one die itself. I made this die into a milkshake instead of a strawberry parfait. I wanted a straw so I simply cut a skinny piece of red cardstock and did the same for the sprinkles with different colors. Then I took my Glossy Accents and went over the cherry, straw and sprinkles to make them glossy.


  1. Adorable layout! Love the checkered paper you used. Great job making the milk shakes!

  2. The checkered squares are actually QK dies I pieced together to look like the tablecloth.
