
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Watch For It Wednesday #55

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

How many of you have not-so-good photos to scrap? Maybe blurry or grainy? Too busy or dark? Most of these not-so-good photos are usually from really important events in our lives and need to be scrapped. It can be hard to get motivated or inspired when the photos didn't turn out as we hoped. I wanted to share some tips for scrapping these not-so-good photos. With so many photo editing software programs out there, you can usually fix most photos. Sometimes however, some photos just can't be fixed. Or maybe you don't want to mess with fancy programs. Either way, here are some simple easy tips that have worked for me.

#1-Blurry Photos.
My best tip for blurry photos is to incorporate the blurriness into the page. For example, if the photo is from a sporting event or holiday...focus on the speed at which the child played the sport or how fast the holiday went by. By making the blur the focus, it makes the photo fit the page.

#2-Grainy or Noisy Photos.
My best tip for grainy or noisy photos is to use your photo editing software and change them to black & white or sepia. This really helps to take the focus off the graininess and put it back on the subject of the photo. If you print your photos at a Kiosk, most of them have this simple edit available to you.

#3-Busy or Cluttered Photos.
My best tip for busy or cluttered photos is to crop your photo. Using your photo editing software, crop out as much of the extra clutter as you can. Get as close to the person or main focus of your photo when you crop. Kiosks usually have this edit available too.

#4-Overexposed or Underexposed Photos.
My best tip for over or underexposed photos is to use your photo editing software and change them to black & white or sepia. These two functions seem to even out the exposure. Another option if only part of the photo is overexposed, crop out that area. Again, if you print your photos at a Kiosk, this edit is usually available.

#5-Poorly Framed Photos.
My best tip for poorly framed photos is to crop out the dead space, so the focus is back on the main subject, even if the subject is partially cut off. Another option is to use accents, your CottageCutz dies work great. Place the die cuts over the photo in the appropriate place to draw the eye to the die cut instead of the partially cut off subject or item.

I hope these tips will help to inspire you to scrap those not-so-good photos.


  1. Great tips, Karen!! After all, it is about capturing the memories so don't let a little imperfection stop you!!

  2. Great tips Karen - I definitely have some of these kinds of photos. I will have to give these tips a try. TFS!
