
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Watch for it Wednesday #41

Let it Snow!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas
and a joyful, lovely season! It is a very
special time of the year in so many ways.
There are so many pictures to be taken
during this time and if you are anything
like me, your camera is very tired! lol

I stumbled across a really neat tip and I
wanted to share it with all of you! First,
I want to say that I have a very nice
camera but I don't have one of those
REALLY nice cameras that have the ability
to practically create a scrapbook page
for you! lol Some of those awesome
cameras have the ability to take a black
and white picture and add shades of
color to it. In fact, there are plenty of
computer programs that can do the
same thing! But I don't have any of
those! So my tip is for everyone who
wants to add color to a black and
white picture the old fashioned way!


I used regular chalk to touch up my
picture! I put some chalk on a Q-Tip
and gently rubbed it right onto my
picture where I wanted a hint of color
to be. It is subtle but adds a like flair!
It won't harm your pictures and is
very easy to do! Go have fun with
this and be sure to send pictures of
your wonderful work our way!!!

Snowcapped Tree

Wood Sign


  1. The editing looks great! What a fun tip to share with everyone. Thanks!


  2. Thank you for your wonderful tip. I love how you added the rosie cheeks with chalk. It looks amazing!

  3. Great picture Rochelle and the chalky cheeks is a great touch!

  4. What an adorable picture!! I love your chalking tip!! TFS!
